3 Simple Tips To Stay Self Aware And Productive While Working From Home

How is working from home going for you?

You would think that the stress of traffic from your morning commute or the constant distractions at the office would make working from home a great place to be productive.

Well if you are anything like me, the moment you sit down to work you remember all the not so important things that need to be done. It’s totally unintentional but, the brain will trick you into believing that you have to do what is easier to do right now! Your brain is just trying to protect you from an uncomfortable situation. Don’t fall for it! Let’s get committed to being more effective. By implementing a few simple tips you can trick the brain into believing that you are productive and get more done!

Here are 3 simple tips to stay self aware and productive while working from home

What do you do to stay productive while working from home? We want to know….Leave a comment.

What do you do to stay productive while working from home? We want to know….Leave a comment.

Tracey Evelyn is a wardrobe stylist, personal shopper and skin care expert who helps emerging women to reinvent themselves, feel empowered and  become unstoppable by embracing their authentic selves.

Twitter: @TraceyEvelyninc
Facebook: Facebook.com/TraceyEvelyn

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