12 Tips To Help You Learn To Love Yourself

12 Tips To Help You Learn To Love Yourself


Learning to love yourself is an important part of enjoying life.  Life gets so busy, we don\’t take the time to smell the roses less known take the time to love ourselves.  Learning to love oneself doesn\’t mean self absorption it actually helps you to get to a place to love someone else. Here are 12 tips to help you learn to love yourself:

1.  Look in the mirror and smile
Smiling is contagious and it makes you feel better.


2.  Do something that makes you happy
Do something that you look forward to and enjoy.


3.   Eat like you love yourself
Making healthier food choices may effect your mental health. Make the decision to eat well. You really are what you eat.  


4.  Do something for someone else
Helping others is a pleasant experience. Shucks, it just feels good!


5.  Set an achievable goal
Start with small goals and as you achieve them you can raise the bar. For example: Take dance lessons or sign up for a 5K.  


6. Pay someone else a compliment
It feels good to make someone else smile.  


7.  Exercise
Exercise releases endorphins and endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body


8. Start living the life you have imagined
If you have dreamed of going to France then, start by living as if you where on your way. Start by learning French!


9.  Remember to count your blessings
Keep a journal, write them down one by one no matter how small. Then go back over them and you will see how blessed you really are.


10. Invest in your wardrobe
When you look good you feel good. You also project confidence and good will.


11.  Value relationships
Plan to spend time with family and friends, really enjoy them!


12.  Do karaoke
Don\’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself! Go ahead, laugh at yourself!


* Other articles that you may find helpful:  Do you know your body shape?   




** We want to know how you love yourself…………………..Go ahead, leave a comment:


Tracey Evelyn is a Body Image and Fashion Consultant who helps women to learn to  love their bodies and reinvent themselves through Wardrobe Styling, Makeup Artistry and Personal Shopping. Contact: Tracey@Traceyevelynbeautifulyou.com     Twitter: @Traceyevelyninc Phone: 484-479-6730

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