Real People Real Style

Real People Real Style


I just happened to be passing by, kind of on a mission. I was seriously on the move!  I must have gone about a half a blocked and turned back.  I couldn\’t help but to be intrigued by her simple but understated style. These Nike shoes are really what caught my attention, casual but futuristic.  I like simplistic style with just a touch of edge! Having the Atelier boutique as the back drop adds a little flair as well.


**What is your everyday style like?  We want to know…..Leave a comment:

Tracey Evelyn is a Image and Fashion Consultant who helps women to learn to  love what they see when they look into the mirror , understand their personal style and enhance their appearance through Wardrobe Styling, Makeup Artistry and Personal Shopping. Contact:     Twitter: @Traceyevelyninc Phone: 484-479-6730

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