Gratitude Looks Good On You


While visiting family in Chicago I went to a church service.  I was completely  blown away by the message about gratitude.  I couldn\’t help to think about how most of us want more out of life.   I immediately thought about how gratitude is a choice.  Wow! we can choose to be grateful.  It may take some work but, we can change our mindset and what a difference a simple change can make in our lives.  It’s never too late to set a goal or to dream.  Nine times out of ten, we don’t realize how much control we have over our future.  We have the power to take control over who we become.  If we don’t, we run the risk of not reaching our full potential. There is no better time than like the present to reinvent yourself.  If you are like most of us we are constantly looking for ways to improve or to reinvent ourselves.

Reinvention –

To remake or make over in a different form

A great place to start in our reinvention process is with gratitude.  Gratitude can help just about any transition in life become so much smoother.  Think about gratitude as a form of self care.

Gratitude –

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

Being grateful is available to everyone, it’s free of charge and can be implemented right away.  Here are a five benefits of showing more gratitude:


1. You begin to prioritize(What really matters in life becomes more important).  You tend to become less self centered.

2.  More gratitude leads to better relationships (Positivity will draw people to you).

3.  The more thankful you are the easier it is to push through dark moments. Gratitude makes you happier.

4.  Feeling thankful can improve your health, relieve stress, boost your immune system and add more years

to your life.

5. Those that express positive emotions tend to receive an increase in their income. Gratitude makes us more effective at work.

** Tip: The highest form of gratitude that we can have is our gratitude for one another.


How does gratitude effect your life?  We want to know………………..leave a message:

Tracey Evelyn is an image consultant, wardrobe stylist and beauty expert that helps emerging women to reinvent themselves and to help them make a statement without saying a word.

Twitter: @TraceyEvelyninc


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