Use a moisturizer as a highlighter
Have you ever had those days when you look in the mirror you feel or look drab. Even after applying makeup your skin still dull and dry. No need to fret, you can do something about that dullness with products you already own. You can use a moisturizer or butter as a highlighter and give your skin a little pick me up. Not only give your skin a little hydration but, you can also use it as a highlighter. Here\’s how to use your moisturizer or butter as a highlighter :
1. Apply foundation on clean skin
2. Dab a very light amount of butter or moisturizer on tips of fingers
3. Be sure to melt your butter/moisturizer between the tips of your fingers before applying
4. Lightly pat the bony areas of face like cheeks and bridge of nose
5. The extra layer of moisture will give you a glow and make your skin look radiant
**How do you highlight your skin in a pinch? We want to know…………….leave a comment:
Tracey Evelyn is a Body Image and Fashion Consultant who helps women to learn to love their bodies and reinvent themselves through Wardrobe Styling, Makeup Artistry and Personal Shopping. Contact: Twitter: @Traceyevelyninc Phone: 484-479-6730