Quirkiness rocks!
Do you ever feel different from others, unconventional, unexpected, offbeat or quirky? Well join the club! Go against the grain and embrace your quirkiness. Learning to embrace your quirks will help you to move past the fact that the quirkiness is there. If you allow your attention to be consumed with your uniqueness, it will become very easy to feel defeated and powerless. Instead use your quirks to your advantage. Believe it or not people are drawn to uniqueness! Having the willingness to share yourself with the world will expose possibilities you never knew existed . There is nothing more attractive than a person who is not afraid to be him or herself. Here are 3 helpful tips to help you to embrace your quirkiness:
1. Strive to be authentic
Embrace and love the things that make you different. This is what makes you special. Be mindful of who you are and act on this experience, rather than trying to be who others expect you to be. Write down your values. Look out for values that are sabotaging your time, energy and live for the ones that bring out your authenticity. Be aware of what makes you happy and motivates you to achieve your goals. Identify the highest value activities that will have the largest impact on your success at the end of the day. Values are not set in stone so they may change over time. Stay focused on what you need, turn away from old patterns or behavior that get you into trouble, keep you stuck or lessen your self-love. Do the things that you dream about and really want to do.
2. Celebrate your victories no matter how big or small
Just remember you are special, there is no one else in the world like you. Take time to look in the mirror each day and say something positive to yourself. Celebration provides positive reinforcement. Just know that you are going to encounter your fair share of ups and downs along the way. Stopping to celebrate along the way reminds you that you are making progress and progress feels good….it\’s definitely a confidence booster. Surround yourself with the right people who will love and encourage you. It\’s ok, anyone who doesn\’t make you feel like a winner can take a backseat!
3. Serve others
With our busy lives, it can be hard to find time to serve others. However, the benefits of serving others or volunteering can make a major impact on your friends, family, community and yourself. Consider your own skills, goals and interests – finding an opportunity that matches your own interests is more likely to be fun and fulfilling. Volunteering can help protect your mental and physical health. Serving others gives you the opportunity to grow your network, practice and develop your social skills. When you are doing good for others or the community this provides a natural since of accomplishment, pride and identity.
** How do you embrace your quirks? We want to know……………….Leave a comment:
Tracey Evelyn is a Image and Fashion Consultant who helps women to learn to love what they see when they look into the mirror , understand their personal style and enhance their appearance through Wardrobe Styling, Makeup Artistry and Personal Shopping. Contact: Tracey@Traceyevelynbeautifulyou.com Twitter: @Traceyevelyninc
Phone: 484-479-6730